Sworkit Fitness Curriculum


Welcome to SWORKIT!

At Sworkit, we envision a world free of childhood obesity. Our mission is to make a positive and long-lasting impact on school-aged children with a goal of decreasing the incidence of childhood obesity over the next decade. We believe partnering with schools will provide the opportunity, support and resources needed to overcome childhood obesity.  Sworkit stands for “SIMPLY WORK IT” — our bodies were designed to move every day and we have designed an innovative experience that makes movement easy and enjoyable. 

The Sworkit Youth Initiative

The Sworkit Youth Initiative was developed in 2018 to offer students across the world free access to developmentally appropriate exercises. We strive to reconceptualize fitness as an empowering, rewarding lifestyle that students embrace and enjoy throughout life. We are dedicated to creating activities that are equitable, diverse and inclusive for children of all abilities and fitness levels. Using an online account, students can customize their workouts by choosing the length, equipment and level of challenge. Click HERE to learn more.

The Sworkit Student Management System

The Sworkit Student Management System gives physical education teachers, coaches and administrators the ability to monitor student progress, develop assessments and collect data as evidence of increased physical activity in physical education.  Additionally, elevate student motivation by offering regular fitness challenges with Sworkit to encourage and progress toward achieving individualized fitness education goals. Annual access to the Sworkit Student Management System may be purchased by your school or district. Click HERE to learn more.

The Sworkit Fitness Education Curriculum

Developed and piloted with top physical education content experts in the field, the Sworkit Fitness Education curriculum is aligned to the National Physical Education Standards (2014) published by the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America) and created for use by physical educators as part of a comprehensive, standards-based physical education program. 

Physical educators and students can access the exercises used in the curriculum using the Sworkit app or by logging into app.sworkit.com. Note: An SYI access code must be obtained through either the Sworkit Student Management System OR Sworkit Youth Initiative in order for teachers and students to access all Sworkit exercises and workouts.

Table of Contents


Middle School

Middle School Scope and Sequence

Daily Assessment

6th Grade

6th Grade Unit Plan

6th Grade Lesson Plans

End of Unit Assessment

7th Grade

7th Grade Unit Plan

7th Grade Lesson Plans

End of Unit Assessment

8th Grade

8th Grade Unit Plan

8th Grade Lesson Plans

End of Unit Assessment

High School

        High School Unit Plan

        High School Lesson Plans

        End of Unit Assessments

Middle School Curriculum

Middle School Scope and Sequence

Central Focus:

The goal of middle school fitness education is to formalize and apply health-related physical fitness knowledge and skills. Students will be able to explain fitness concepts and justify physical fitness as an important attribute in a healthy, active lifestyle. Students will also be able to self-assess their personal fitness level, select and adapt exercises to achieve individualized fitness goals, and perform exercise routines regularly to develop a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. 

Cardiorespiratory Endurance (CRE)


Muscular Strength (MS)

Muscular Endurance (ME)

Body Composition (BC)

Grade 6

- What is CRE?

- Why is CRE important? 

- What systems of the body does CRE impact? 

- How is CRE measured?

- What exercises can enhance CRE?

- Engage in teacher-directed/

student-developed Sworkit CRE exercises

- F.I.T.T. Principle

- What is flexibility?

- Why is flexibility important? 

- What part of the body does flexibility impact? 

- How is flexibility measured?

- What exercises can enhance flexibility?

- Engage in teacher-directed/

student-developed Sworkit flexibility exercises

- What is MS?

- Why is MS important? 

- What parts of the body does MS impact? 

- How is MS measured?

- What exercises can enhance MS?

- Engage in teacher-directed/

student-developed Sworkit MS exercises

- What is ME?

- Why is ME important? 

- What parts of the body does ME impact? 

- How is ME measured?

- What exercises can enhance ME?

- Engage in teacher-directed/

student-developed Sworkit ME exercises

- What is BC?

- What is healthy eating? 

- S.M.A.R.T. Goals

Grade 7

- Setting up Sworkit profile

- Assessment of CRE fitness level

- Selection of exercises 

- Resting, Target, Maximum Heart Rate

- Setting up Sworkit profile

- Assessment of flexibility fitness level

- Selection of exercises 

- Setting up Sworkit profile

- Assessment of MS fitness level

- Selection of exercises 

- Setting up Sworkit profile

- Assessment of ME fitness level

- Selection of exercises 

- Introduction of BC

- Why is BC important

- What impact does BC have on a healthy, active lifestyle?

Grade 8

- How does CRE impact the other 4 health-related fitness components?

- Develop an Individualized CRE Fitness Plan

- Participate in Self-Designed CRE Workout

- How does flexibility impact the other 4 health-related fitness components?

- Develop an Individualized Flexibility Fitness Plan

- Participate in Self-Designed Flexibility Workout

- How does MS impact the other 4 health-related fitness components?

- Develop an Individualized MS Fitness Plan

- Participate in Self-Designed MS Workout

- How does ME impact the other 4 health-related fitness components?

- Develop an Individualized ME Fitness Plan

- Participate in Self-Designed ME Workout

- How does BC impact the other 4 health-related fitness components?

- The role of nutrition in maintaining a healthy body composition

- What is Body Mass Index (BMI) and how is it calculated?

- What are some limitations of BMI?

Daily Assessment

As part of an ongoing daily assessment, use this Sworkit Rubric to 

assess students on a variety of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor competencies. Feel free to add your own exit slips and assessments.

Sworkit Rubric

National Standard 3. Demonstrate the knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness.

By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health-related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.


2 Points


1 Point


0 Points


Student was fully prepared to complete the Sworkit Activity.

Student was partially prepared to complete the Sworkit Activity. 

Student was not prepared to  complete the Sworkit Activity.


Student was fully engaged in the Sworkit Activity

Student was partially engaged in the Sworkit Activity.

Student was not engaged in the Sworkit Activity.

Goal Oriented

Student was fully dedicated to meeting their SMART Goal(s) during the Sworkit activity.

Student was partially dedicated to meeting their SMART Goal(s) during the Sworkit Activity. 

Student was not dedicated to meeting their SMART Goal(s) during the Sworkit Activity. 

Physical & Cognitive Domain

Student was fully active and exemplified positive behavior before, during, and after the Sworkit Activity.

Student was partially active and displayed mostly positive behavior after the Sworkit Activity.

Student was not active and displayed negative behavior before, during, and after the Sworkit Activity.

Social & Emotional Domain

Student was fully present, motivated and displayed leadership qualities before, during, and after the Sworkit Activity. 

Student was partially present and motivated to complete the Sworkit Activity. 

Student was not present nor motivated to complete the Sworkit Activity.

6th Grade Unit Plan

Central Focus:

Students will review the components of health-related physical fitness and why they are essential to a healthy, active lifestyle while planning and participating in a unit-long fitness plan.

UNIT PLAN: Based on 3 lessons a week for a 9-week fitness unit. 

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Week 1

Learning activities that review the Health-Related Physical Fitness Components

Cardiorespiratory Endurance: Why it is important and how do we measure it?

What does my score on the Cardiovascular Test mean?

Aerobic Activities that enhance cardiorespiratory endurance

Week 2

Flexibility: Why is it important? How do we measure it?

What does my Flexibility Score mean? Learning Activities that enhance flexibility.

Learning Activities that enhance flexibility.

Week 3

Muscular Strength/Muscular Endurance: Why are they important? How do we measure them?

Muscular Endurance Test

What does my muscular strength score mean?

Muscular Strength Test

What does my muscular endurance score mean?

Learning Activities that enhance muscular strength and muscular endurance

Week 4

Overview: Body Composition and healthy eating defined

Based on Fitness Test Scores: What can you do to customize your activities to improve your level of fitness?

What is goal-setting?

SMART goals?

What resources exist to help?

Developing individual fitness goals

Week 5



Perform and track individual fitness goals

Resting Heart Rate (RHR)

Perceived Exertion, Perform and track individual fitness goals

Stretching and Breathing for Mindfulness

Perform and track individual fitness goals

Week 6

F.I.T.T. Principle

Perform and track individual fitness goals

Equipment Safety

Personal Safety

Perform and track individual fitness goals

Muscular Strength in Lifetime physical activities

Perform and track individual fitness goal

Week 7

Muscular Endurance in lifetime physical activities

Perform and track individual fitness goals

Identifying the components of skill-related physical fitness

Perform and track individual fitness goals

Connection between physical activity and a healthy body

Perform and track individual fitness goals

Week 8

Discussion of the social aspects of physical activity

How activity reduces stress

Perform and track individual fitness goals

Describe the role of warmups and cooldowns

Perform and track individual fitness goals

Identifying healthy foods in connection with physical activity

Perform and track individual fitness goals

Week 9

Planning for physical activities outside of physical education class.

Reflect on individual fitness goals/journaling

Analyzing the accomplishments and difficulties in the Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan through journaling

6th Grade Lesson Plans


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Describe how being physically active leads to a healthy body (S3.M1.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity, the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in moderate to vigorous aerobic physical activity that includes intermittent or continuous aerobic physical activity of both moderate and vigorous intensity for at least 60 minutes per day (S3.M6.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a variety of aerobic fitness activities using technology. (S3.M4.6)

*Identifies the components of skill-related fitness (S3.M7.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Differentiates between aerobic and anaerobic capacity and between muscular strength and muscular endurance (S3.M20.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Describes the role of warm-ups and cool-downs before and after physical activity (S3.M12.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes: 


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

* Identifies positive and negative results of stress and appropriate ways of dealing with each. (S3.M18.6)

*Employs correct techniques and methods of stretching (S3.M9.6)

*Design and implement a program for remediation for any areas of weakness based on the results of health-related fitness assessment. (S3.M15.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Differentiates between aerobic and anaerobic capacity and between muscular strength and muscular endurance (S3.M20.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Identifies the major muscles used in selected physical activities (S3.M14.6)

*Design and implement a program for remediation for any areas of weakness based on the results of health-related fitness assessment. (S3.M15.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:


Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Design and implement a program for remediation for any areas of weakness based on the results of health-related fitness assessment. (S3.M15.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a variety of aerobic fitness activities using technology. (S3.M4.6)

*Identifies foods within each of the basic food groups and selects appropriate servings and portions for his/her age and physical activity levels (S3.M17.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Designs and implements a program of remediation for any areas of weakness based on the results of health-related fitness assessment. (S3.M15.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a variety of aerobic fitness activities such as cardio-kick, step aerobics and aerobic dance. (S3.M3.6)

*Participates in a variety of aerobic fitness activities using technology. (S3.M4.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Maintains a physical activity log for at least 2 weeks and reflects on activity levels as documented in the log. (S3.M16.6)

*Identifies and uses appropriate strategies to self-reinforce positive fitness behaviors, such as positive self-talk (S4.M3.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Defines resting heart rate and describes its relationship to aerobic fitness and the Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) Scale. (S3.M13.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Employs correct techniques and methods of stretching (S3.M9.6)

*Identifies positive and negative results of stress and appropriate ways of dealing with each (S3.M18.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Identifies each of the components of the overload principle (FITT formula: frequency, intensity, time & type) for different types of physical activity (aerobic, muscular fitness, and flexibility (S3.M11.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Exhibits personal responsibility by using appropriate etiquette, demonstrating respect for facilities, and exhibiting safe behaviors (S4.M2.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Question:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in self-selected physical activities outside of physical education class (S3. M2.6)

*Participates in a variety of lifetime recreational team sports, outdoor pursuits and dance activities (S3.M5.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in self-selected physical activities outside of physical education class (S3. M2.6)

*Participates in a variety of lifetime recreational team sports, outdoor pursuits and dance activities (S3.M5.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Identifies the components of skill-related physical fitness (S3.M7.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a variety of aerobic fitness activities using technology. (S3.M4.6)

         *Describes how being active leads to a healthy body (S5.M1.6).

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a variety of aerobic fitness activities using technology. (S3.M4.6)

*Identifies components of physical activity that provide opportunities for reducing stress and for social interaction. (S5.M2.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Describe the role of warm-ups and cool-downs before and after physical activity (S3.M12.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Question:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Identifies foods within each of the basic food groups and selects appropriate servings and portions for his/her age and physical activity levels (S3.M17.6

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


By engaging in the Sworkit Fitness Activity the student will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric.

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in self-selected physical activity outside of physical education class (S3.M2.6)

*Designs and implements a program of remediation for any areas of weakness based on the results of health-related fitness assessment (S3.M15.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in self-selected physical activity outside of physical education class (S3.M2.6)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Identifies and uses appropriate strategies to self-reinforce positive fitness behaviors, such as positive self-talk. (S4.M2.6)

*Demonstrates self-responsibility by implementing specific corrective feedback to improve performance. (S4.M3.6)

Warm up/ Do Now

Learning Activity 1: Essential Question:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

6th Grade End of Unit Assessment

This assessment is based on 30-minute workouts, 3 times per week (90 minutes) for 6 weeks (Lessons 9-26). The total engagement time is 540 minutes.  Students that added activities for physical activity outside of physical education class are awarded extra credit based on time spent in their outside activities.

Monitoring the time spent for each student using the Sworkit Student Management System, students will be graded based on the percentage of time they spent engaging in their Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan.  

This assessment can also be adjusted as a weekly formative assessment based on 90 minutes per week.

Time Spent on Workouts

Percentage of 540 minutes


486 and above












*Below 323

59% and below


*the lowest time spent represents 10 workouts or less in a 6 week period.

7th Grade Unit Plan

Central Focus: 

Students will be introduced to Sworkit, an online fitness application that can assist in the management and motivation of their fitness goals. 

UNIT PLAN: Based on 3 lessons a week for a 9-week fitness unit.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Week 1

Review of health-related physical fitness, skill-related physical fitness and the difference between them

Sample Sworkit Activities led by Instructor

Flexibility: Definitions and Differences: Dynamic/Static Stretching

Fitness Assessment: 

Flexibility Test

Identify the barriers to participating in regular physical activity and brainstorm solutions

Fitness Assessment: Cardiovascular Test

Week 2

How muscles work with bone

Identifying Muscular Strength activities

Fitness Assessment: 

Muscular Strength Test

How does muscular endurance enhance our daily lives?

What exercises are associated with improving muscular endurance?

Fitness Assessment: 

Muscular Endurance Test

Analysis of assessment data


Week 3

Introduction to Sworkit: What is it? How can it help you achieve your fitness goals?

Create Sworkit account

Developing Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

Safety in Movement Space

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Week 4

Social Aspects of Exercise

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

FITT Principle

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Warm-Ups/Cool Downs

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Week 5


Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress


Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress


Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Week 6

Exercise for Enjoyment

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Analyzing Technology Tools

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Analyzing Data/Adjustments

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Week 7

Partner Workout

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Limited Space/Equipment

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Physical/Mental benefits of exercise

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Week 8

Exploring Fitness Technology

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Importance of proper form

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Outdoor Safety

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Week 9

Partner Workout: Providing Feedback/Support

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Workout Swap

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Why is health related physical fitness critical to a healthy, active life?

What did your Sworkit data tell you about YOUR fitness journey?

What activities did you most enjoy during your workouts?

Reflective Journaling

7th Grade Lesson Plans


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Distinguishes between health-related and skill-related physical fitness. (S3.M7.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Students will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric. 

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Describes and demonstrates the difference between dynamic and static stretches (S.3.M9.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1:  Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Students will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric. 

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Identifies barriers related to maintaining a physically active lifestyle and seeks solutions for elimination those barriers (S3.M1.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1:  Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Students be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric. 

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a variety of strength and endurance-fitness activities such as weight or resistance training (S3.M4.7)

*Describes how muscles pull on bones to create movement in pairs by relaxing and contracting. (S3.M14.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Students will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric. 

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a variety of strength and endurance-fitness activities such as Pilates, resistance training, body-weight training and light free-weight training. (S3.M3.7)

*Participates in moderate to vigorous muscle and bone-strengthening physical activity at least 3 times a week (S3.M6.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Students will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric. 

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Designs and implements a program of remediation for 2 areas of weakness based on the results of health-related fitness assessment (S3.M15.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Students will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric. 

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Designs and implements a program of remediation for 2 areas of weakness based on the results of health-related fitness assessment (S3.M15.7)

*Identifies different types of physical activities and describes how each exerts a positive impact on health. (S5.M1.7)

        *Identifies why self-selected physical activities create enjoyment. (S5.M4.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Students will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric. 

Successful sign up on Sworkit

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a physical activity twice a week outside of physical education class. (S3.M2.7)

*Adjusts physical activity based on quantity of exercise needed for a minimal health standards and /or optimal functioning based on current fitness level. (S3.M8.7)

*Designs and implements a program of remediation for 2 areas of weakness based on the results of health-related fitness assessment (S3.M15.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a variety of lifetime dual and individual sports, martial arts or aquatic activities. (S3.M5.7)

*Independently uses physical activity and exercise equipment appropriately and safely. (S4.M7.7)

*Maintains a physical activity and nutrition log for at least 2 weeks and reflects on activity levels and nutrition as documented in the log. (S3.M16.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a variety of lifetime dual and individual sports, martial arts or aquatic activities (S3.M5.7)

*Demonstrates both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation by selecting opportunities to participate in physical activity outside of class (S4.M2.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Describes the overload principle (FITT Formula) for different types of physical activity, the training principles on which the formula is based and how the formula and principles affect fitness (S3.M11.7)

*Maintains a physical activity and nutrition log for at least 2 weeks and reflects on activity levels and nutrition as documented in the log (S3.M16.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Designs a warm up/cool down regimen for a self-selected physical activity. (S3.M12.7)

*Maintains a physical activity and nutrition log for at least 2 weeks and reflects on activity levels and nutrition as documented in the log. (S3.M16.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a variety of lifetime dual and individual sports, martial arts or aquatic activities. (S3.M5.7)

*Defines how the RPE Scale can be used to determine the perception of the work effort or intensity of exercise. (S3.M13.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Introduction of Objectives and Essential Question:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Practices strategies for dealing with stress, such as deep breathing, guided visualization and aerobic exercise. (S3.M18.7)

*Identifies positive mental and emotional aspects of participating in a variety of physical activities. (S5.M2.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a variety of lifetime dual and individual sports, martial arts or aquatic activities. (S3.M5.7)

*Describes the role of exercise and nutrition in weight management. (S3.M10.7)

*Develops strategies for balancing healthy food, snacks and water intake along with daily physical activity (S3.M17.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a variety of lifetime dual and individual sports, martial arts or aquatic activities. (S3.M5.7)

*Identifies positive mental and emotional aspects of participating in a variety of physical activities. (S5.M2.7)

*Explains the relationship between self-expression and lifelong enjoyment through physical activity. (S5.M5.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a variety of lifetime dual and individual sports, martial arts or aquatic activities. (S3.M5.7)

*Maintains a physical activity and nutrition log for at least 2 weeks and reflects on activity levels and nutrition as documented in the log. (S3.M16.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Question:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Maintains a physical activity and nutrition log for at least 2 weeks and reflects on activity levels and nutrition as documented in the log (S3.M16.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Maintains a physical activity and nutrition log for at least 2 weeks and reflects on activity levels and nutrition as documented in the log. (S3.M16.7)

*Demonstrates cooperation skills by establishing rules and guidelines for resolving conflicts. (S4.M4.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a physical activity twice a week outside of physical education class. (S3.M2.7)

*Adjusts physical activity based on quantity of exercise needed for a minimal health standards and /or optimal functioning based on current fitness level. (S3.M8.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a physical activity twice a week outside of physical education class. (S3.M2.7)

*Adjusts physical activity based on quantity of exercise needed for a minimal health standards and /or optimal functioning based on current fitness level. (S3.M8.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a physical activity twice a week outside of physical education class. (S3.M2.7)

*Adjusts physical activity based on quantity of exercise needed for a minimal health standards and /or optimal functioning based on current fitness level. (S3.M8.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Demonstrates correct technique for a variety of skills in 1 self-selected individual-performance activity. (S1.M24.7)

*Participates in a physical activity twice a week outside of physical education class. (S3.M2.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Analyzes the situation and makes adjustments to ensure the safety of self and others. (S2.M13.7)

*Participates in a physical activity twice a week outside of physical education class. (S3.M2.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes: 


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Provides corrective feedback to a peer using teacher-generated guidelines and incorporating appropriate tone and other communication skills. (S4.M3.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Maintains a physical activity and nutrition log for at least 2 weeks and reflects on activity levels and nutrition as documented in the log. (S3.M16.7)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

7th Grade End of Unit Assessment

This assessment is based on 30-minute workouts, 3 times per week (90 minutes) for 6 weeks (Lessons 9-26). The total engagement time is 540 minutes.  Students that added activities for physical activity outside of physical education class are awarded extra credit based on time spent in their outside activities.

Monitoring the time spent for each student using the Sworkit Student Management System, students will be graded based on the percentage of time they spent engaging in their Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan.  

This assessment can also be adjusted as a weekly formative assessment based on 90 minutes per week.

Time Spent on Workouts

Percentage of 540 minutes


486 and above












*Below 323

59% and below


*the lowest time spent represents 10 workouts or less in a 6 week period.

8th Grade Unit Plan

Central Focus: 

Students will assess and analyze their current fitness level and use the data to create and execute a personalized fitness plan using Sworkit. 

UNIT PLAN: Based on 3 lessons a week for a 9-week fitness unit.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Week 1

Why enjoyment is important when engaging in physical activity.

The connection between fitness and overall health.

The role of flexibility in relation to injury.

Identifying static stretches.

Peer/Partner Flexibility Assessment.

Developing a plan to eliminate at least one barrier to regular physical activity.

Peer/Partner Cardiovascular Test.

Week 2

Compare/Contrast the 5 health related fitness components.

Peer/Partner Muscular Strength Test

Identifies 1 physical activity that they will participate in outside of class.

Focus on peer encouragement/feedback

Peer/Partner Muscular Endurance Test

Analyzing Fitness Data

Developing the Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan including activity outside of physical education.

Week 3

Students will log into/create Sworkit accounts to develop a 6-week individual fitness plan.

What equipment do you have? Where and when will you be working out?


Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress


Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Week 4

Developing warm up and cool down routines

Body Systems and how they are related to fitness and exercise.

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

The role of poor nutrition and health risk factors.

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Week 5

Skills for self-monitoring

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Stress-Reducing Activities

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Encouragement, Feedback, Cooperation.

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Week 6

Safety Protocols when exercising

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

The empowering consequences of a physically active lifestyle

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Cross Training

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Week 7

Fitness Stations

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

What is a personal trainer?

How do you analyze success?

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Fitness Fun!

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Week 8

Fitness Fun!

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Combating Boredom

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Body Mass Index

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Week 9

Physical Activity Outside of Class

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan and track progress

Analyzing the Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

Analyzing the Workout Experience

8th Grade Lesson Plans


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Identifies the 5 components of health-related fitness (muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, cardiorespiratory endurance and body composition) and explains the connections between fitness and overall physical and mental health. (S5.M1.8)

*Discusses how enjoyment could be increased in self-selected physical activities. (S5.M4.8)

*Identifies and participates in an enjoyable activity that prompts individual self-expression. (S5.M5.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Employs a variety of appropriate static-stretching techniques for all major muscle groups. (S3.M9.8)

*Describes the role of flexibility in injury prevention. (S3.M10.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1:  Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Develops a plan to address 1 of the barriers within one’s family, school or community to maintaining a physically active lifestyle. (S3.M1.8)

*Participates in a variety of self-selected aerobic-fitness activities outside of school such as: walking, jogging, biking, skating, dancing and swimming. (S3.M3.8)

*Demonstrates respect for self by asking for help and helping others in various physical activities. (S5.M6.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1:  Essential Questions:


Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Students be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric. 

Additional Teacher Note


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in moderate to vigorous aerobic and/or muscle-and bone-strengthening physical activity for at least 60 minutes per day at least 5 times a week. (S3.M6.8)

*Compares and contrasts health-related physical fitness components. (S3.M7.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a self-selected lifetime sport, dance, aquatic or outdoor activity outside of the school day. (S3.M5.8)

*Provides encouragement and feedback to peers without prompting from the teacher (S4.M3.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in physical activity 3 times a week outside of physical education class. (S3.M2.8)

*Designs and implements a program of remediation for 3 areas of weakness based on the results of health-related fitness assessment. (S3.M15.8)

*Designs and implements a program to improve levels of health-related fitness and nutrition (S3.M16.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in physical activity 3 times a week outside of physical education class. (S3.M2.8)

*Uses available technology to self-monitor quantity of exercise needed for a minimal health standard and/or optimal functioning based on current fitness level. (S3.M8.8)

*Designs and implements a program of remediation for 3 areas of weakness based on the results of health-related fitness assessment. (S3.M15.8)

*Designs and implements a program to improve levels of health-related fitness and nutrition. (S3.M16.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Plans and implements a program of cross-training to include aerobic, strength & endurance and flexibility training. (S3.M4.8)

*Participates in a self-selected lifetime sport, dance, aquatic or outdoor activity outside of the school day. (S3.M5.8)

*Uses the overload principle (FITT Formula) in preparing a personal workout. (S3.M11.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Introduction of Objectives and Essential Question:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in moderate to vigorous aerobic and/or muscle-and bone-strengthening physical activity for at least 60 minutes per day at least 5 times a week. (S3.M6.8)

*Defines how the RPE Scale can be used to adjust workout intensity during physical activity. (S3.M13.8)

*Accepts responsibility for improving one’s own levels of physical activity and fitness (S4.M1.8)

*Uses effective self-monitoring skills to incorporate opportunities for physical activity in and outside of school. (S4.M2.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:

Assessment: Students will be able to enhance their personal health related fitness components and SMART goal(s), scoring an 8 (out of 10) or better on the Sworkit Rubric. 

Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Plans and implements a program of cross-training to include aerobic, strength & endurance and flexibility training. (S3.M4.8)

*Participates in a self-selected lifetime sport, dance, aquatic or outdoor activity outside of the school day. (S3.M5.8)

*Designs and implements a warm-up/cool-down regimen for a self-selected physical activity. (S3.M12.8)

*Cooperates with multiple classmates on problem-solving initiatives, including adventure activities, large-group initiatives, and game play. (S4.M5.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Plans and implements a program of cross-training to include aerobic, strength & endurance and flexibility training. (S3.M4.8)

*Participates in a self-selected lifetime sport, dance, aquatic or outdoor activity outside of the school day. (S3.M5.8)

*Explains how body systems interact with one another (e.g. blood transports nutrients from the digestive system, oxygen from the respiratory system) during physical activity. (S3.M14.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Plans and implements a program of cross-training to include aerobic, strength & endurance and flexibility training. (S3.M4.8)

*Participates in a self-selected lifetime sport, dance, aquatic or outdoor activity outside of the school day. (S3.M5.8)

*Describes the relationship between poor nutrition and health risk factors. (S3.M17.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a self-selected lifetime sport, dance, aquatic or outdoor activity outside of the school day. (S3.M5.8)

*Accepts responsibility for improving one’s own levels of physical activity and fitness. (S4.M1.8)

*Uses effective self-monitoring skills to incorporate opportunities for physical activity in and outside of school. (S4.M2.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Plans and implements a program of cross-training to include aerobic, strength & endurance and flexibility training. (S3.M4.8)

*Participates in a self-selected lifetime sport, dance, aquatic or outdoor activity outside of the school day. (S3.M5.8)

*Demonstrates basic movements used in other stress-reducing activities, such as yoga and tai-chi. (S3.M18.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Plans and implements a program of cross-training to include aerobic, strength & endurance and flexibility training. (S3.M4.8)

*Provides encouragement and feedback to peers without prompting from the teacher (S4.M3.8)

*Cooperates with multiple classmates on problem-solving initiatives, including adventure activities, large-group initiatives, and game play (S4.M5.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Plans and implements a program of cross-training to include aerobic, strength & endurance and flexibility training. (S3.M4.8)

*Participates in a self-selected lifetime sport, dance, aquatic or outdoor activity outside of the school day. (S3.M5.8)

*Independently uses physical activity and fitness equipment appropriately and identifies specific safety concerns associated with the activity. (S4.M7.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in a self-selected lifetime sport, dance, aquatic or outdoor activity outside of the school day. (S3.M5.8)

*Analyzes the empowering consequences of being physically active (S5.M2.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Plans and implements a program of cross-training to include aerobic, strength & endurance and flexibility training. (S3.M4.8)

*Develops a plan of action and makes appropriate decisions based on that plan when faced with an individual challenge. (S5.M3.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Plans and implements a program of cross-training to include aerobic, strength & endurance and flexibility training. (S3.M4.8)

*Participates in moderate to vigorous aerobic and/or muscle-and bone-strengthening physical activity for at least 60 minutes per day at least 5 times a week. (S3.M6.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Plans and implements a program of cross-training to include aerobic, strength & endurance and flexibility training. (S3.M4.8)

*Participates in moderate to vigorous aerobic and/or muscle-and bone-strengthening physical activity for at least 60 minutes per day at least 5 times a week. (S3.M6.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in physical activity 3 times a week outside of physical education class. (S3.M2.8)

*Plans and implements a program of cross-training to include aerobic, strength & endurance and flexibility training. (S3.M4.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in physical activity 3 times a week outside of physical education class. (S3.M2.8)

*Plans and implements a program of cross-training to include aerobic, strength & endurance and flexibility training. (S3.M4.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Plans and implements a program of cross-training to include aerobic, strength endurance and flexibility training. (S3.M4.8)

*Participates in moderate to vigorous aerobic and/or muscle-and bone-strengthening physical activity for at least 60 minutes per day at least 5 times a week. (S3.M6.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Plans and implements a program of cross-training to include aerobic, strength endurance and flexibility training. (S3.M4.8)

*Participates in moderate to vigorous aerobic and/or muscle-and bone-strengthening physical activity for at least 60 minutes per day at least 5 times a week. (S3.M6.8)

*Describes the relationship between poor nutrition and health risk factors. (S3.M17.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in physical activity 3 times a week outside of physical education class. (S3.M2.8)

*Plans and implements a program of cross-training to include aerobic, strength & endurance and flexibility training. (S3.M4.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Introduction of Objectives and Essential Question:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in physical activity 3 times a week outside of physical education class. (S3.M2.8)

*Plans and implements a program of cross-training to include aerobic, strength & endurance and flexibility training. (S3.M4.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:


Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates in physical activity 3 times a week outside of physical education class. (S3.M2.8)

*Plans and implements a program of cross-training to include aerobic, strength & endurance and flexibility training. (S3.M4.8)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

1. What decisions did you have to make about your physical activity plan during this unit?

2. Did you reach your desired goals? If yes, how, if not, why not?

3. What was the most difficult part of executing your Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan? Why?

4.  What was the easiest part of executing your Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan?  Why?

5. What activities will you commit to in order to stay physically active outside of class?

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

8th Grade End of Unit Assessment

This assessment is based on 30-minute workouts, 3 times per week (90 minutes) for 6 weeks (Lessons 9-26). The total engagement time is 540 minutes.  Students must add activities for physical activity outside of physical education class.

Monitoring the time spent for each student using the Sworkit Student Management System, students will be graded based on the percentage of time they spent engaging in their Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan.  

This assessment can also be adjusted as a weekly formative assessment based on 90 minutes per week.

Time Spent on Workouts

Percentage of 540 minutes


486 and above












*Below 323

59% and below


*the lowest time spent represents 10 workouts or less in a 6 week period.

High School Curriculum

High School Unit Plan

Central Focus:

The goal of high school fitness education is for students to build on their previous knowledge of health-related physical fitness to create and perform a variety of self-selected fitness activities that they enjoy.  Students will internalize the joy of physical activity in order to choose a healthy, active lifestyle. Students will also be able to self-assess their fitness level and participate in activities that develop a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. 

Based on 3 lessons per week in a 9-week fitness unit.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Week 1

Consumer Fitness:

Fitness ads; what is portrayed in the media and how would we change it?

Peer Evaluation: Flexibility Test

Peer Evaluation: 

Cardiovascular Test

Week 2

Peer Evaluation: 

Muscular Strength Test

Peer Evaluation: Muscular Endurance 

Develop and record the Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

Week 3

What are the challenges of physical activity in different environments?

Peer Trainers

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

Physical Activity changes throughout the life cycle

Peer Trainers

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

Target Heart Rate

Peer Trainers

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

Week 4

Training Techniques

Peer Trainers

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

Applying the Principles of Perceived Exertion

Peer Trainers

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

Applying Skill-Related Physical Fitness

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

Week 5

Physical Activity and Nutrition

Peer Trainers

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

Investigating Physical Activity Events in Your Community

Peer Trainers

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

Energy Systems Peer Trainers

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

Week 6

Stress-Reducing Exercises

Peer Trainers

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

What physical activity opportunities do you have in your community?

Peer Trainers

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

Skeletal Muscle Fibers and Muscular Development

Peer Trainers

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

Week 7

Nutrition and Snack Planning

Peer Trainers

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

Physiological Response to Exercise

Peer Trainers

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

The role of Social Media in supporting a healthy, active lifestyle

Peer Trainers

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

Week 8

Investigating Fitness Apps and Programs

Create and Participate in Fitness Stations

Peer Trainers

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

Create and Participate in Sport Skill Stations

Peer Trainers

Participate in Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan

Week 9

Investigating Weight Loss/Nutrition Apps and Programs 

Analyze the data and success of your 6-week workout / reflective journal.

Based on the personalized fitness plan, what activities will you engage in to sustain your level of improved fitness? 

Analyze the data across the Grade 6 (if applicable) through HS Sworkit experience

High School Lesson Plans

High School LESSON 1

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Evaluates the validity of claims made by commercial products and programs pertaining to fitness and a healthy, active lifestyle (S3.H2.L1)

*Accepts differences between personal characteristics and the idealized body images and elite performance levels portrayed in various media. (S4.H1.L2)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 2

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

*Designs a fitness program, including all components of health-related fitness, for a college student and an employee in the learners chosen field of work. (S3.H12.L1)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Introduction of Objectives and Essential Question:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 3

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

*Designs a fitness program, including all components of health-related fitness, for a college student and an employee in the learners chosen field of work. (S3.H12.L1)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Question:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 4

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Designs and implements a strength and conditioning program that develops balance in opposing muscle groups (agonist-antagonist) and supports a healthy, active lifestyle. (S3.H7.L2)

*Identifies types of strength exercises (isometric, concentric, eccentric) and stretching exercises (static, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF), dynamic), for personal fitness development (e.g. strength, endurance, range of motion (S3.H9.L1)

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

*Designs a fitness program, including all components of health-related fitness, for a college student and an employee in the learners chosen field of work. (S3.H12.L1)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 5

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

*Designs a fitness program, including all components of health-related fitness, for a college student and an employee in the learners chosen field of work. (S3.H12.L1)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 6

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

*Designs a fitness program, including all components of health-related fitness, for a college student and an employee in the learners chosen field of work. (S3.H12.L1)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Question:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 7

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Identifies issues associated with exercising in heat, humidity, and cold. (S3.H3.L1)

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

*Assumes a leadership role (e.g. task or group leader, referee, coach) in a physical activity setting. (S4.H3.L2)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 8

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Evaluates risks and safety factors that might affect physical activity preferences throughout the life cycle. (S3.H5.L1)

*Analyzes the impact of life choices, economics, motivation and accessibility on exercise adherence and participation in physical activity in college or career settings. (S3.H5.L2)

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

*Assumes a leadership role (e.g. task or group leader, referee, coach) in a physical activity setting. (S4.H3.L2)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 9

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Calculates target heart rate and applies that information to personal fitness plan (S3.H10.L1)

*Adjusts pacing to keep heart rate in the target zone, using available technology (e.g. heart rate monitor), to self-monitor aerobic intensity. (S3.H10.L2)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Question:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 10

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Demonstrates appropriate technique in resistance training machines and free weights (S3.H7.L1)

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

*Assumes a leadership role (e.g. task or group leader, referee, coach) in a physical activity setting. (S4.H3.L2)

*Applies practices for participating safely in physical activity, exercise and dance (e.g. injury prevention, proper alignment, hydration, use of equipment, implementation of rules, sun protection) (S4.H5.L1)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Introduction of Objectives and Essential Question:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 11

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Applies rates of perceived exertion and pacing (S3.H3.L2)

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

*Assumes a leadership role (e.g. task or group leader, referee, coach) in a physical activity setting. (S4.H3.L2)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 12

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Analyzes the components of skill-related fitness in relation to life and career goals and designs an appropriate fitness program for those goals. (S3.H12.L2)

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

*Assumes a leadership role (e.g. task or group leader, referee, coach) in a physical activity setting. (S4.H3.L2)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 13

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Discusses the benefits of a physically active lifestyle as it relates to college or career productivity (S3.H1.L1)

*Investigates the relationships among physical activity, nutrition and body composition (S3.H1.L2)

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

*Assumes a leadership role (e.g. task or group leader, referee, coach) in a physical activity setting. (S4.H3.L2)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 14

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Participates several times a week in a self-selected lifetime activity, dance or fitness activity outside of the school day S3.H6.L1)

*Creates a plan, trains for and participates in a community event with a focus on physical activity (e.g. 5K, triathlon, tournament, dance performance, cycling event.) (S3.H6.L2)

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

National Standard 4: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.

*Assumes a leadership role (e.g. task or group leader, referee, coach) in a physical activity setting. (S4.H3.L2)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 15

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Identifies the different energy systems used in a selected physical activity (e.g. adenosine triphosphate and phosphocreatine, anaerobic glycolysis, aerobic) (S3.H8.L2)

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

*Assumes a leadership role (e.g. task or group leader, referee, coach) in a physical activity setting. (S4.H3.L2)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 16

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

*Identifies stress-management strategies (e.g. mental imagery, relaxation techniques, deep-breathing, aerobic exercise, meditation) to reduce stress (S3.H14.L1)

*Applies stress-management strategies (e.g. mental imagery, relaxation techniques, deep-breathing, aerobic exercise, meditation) to reduce stress (S3.H14.L2)

*Assumes a leadership role (e.g. task or group leader, referee, coach) in a physical activity setting. (S4.H3.L2)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 17

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Evaluates, according to their benefits, social support network and participation requirements- activities that can be pursued in the local environment (S3.H4.L1)

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

*Assumes a leadership role (e.g. task or group leader, referee, coach) in a physical activity setting. (S4.H3.L2)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Introduction of Objectives and Essential Question:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 18

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Identifies the structure of skeletal muscle and fiber types as they relate to muscle development (S3.H9.L2)

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

*Assumes a leadership role (e.g. task or group leader, referee, coach) in a physical activity setting. (S4.H3.L2)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Question:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 19

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

*Designs and implements a nutrition plan to maintain an appropriate energy balance for a healthy, active lifestyle (S3.H13.L1)

*Creates a snack plan for before, during, and after exercise that addresses nutrition needs for each phase. (S3.H13.L2)

*Assumes a leadership role (e.g. task or group leader, referee, coach) in a physical activity setting. (S4.H3.L2)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 20

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Relates physiological responses to individual levels of fitness and nutritional balance. (S3.H8.L1)

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

*Assumes a leadership role (e.g. task or group leader, referee, coach) in a physical activity setting. (S4.H3.L2)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 21

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Analyzes and applies technology and social media as tools for supporting a healthy, active lifestyle. (S3.H2.L2)

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

*Assumes a leadership role (e.g. task or group leader, referee, coach) in a physical activity setting. (S4.H3.L2)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 22

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Evaluates the validity of claims made by commercial products and programs pertaining to fitness and a healthy, active lifestyle (S3.H2.L1)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Question:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 23

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 24

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 25

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Evaluates the validity of claims made by commercial products and programs pertaining to fitness and a healthy, active lifestyle (S3.H2.L1)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 26

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School LESSON 27

Learning Objectives with National Standards Alignment (SHAPE America):

*Develops and maintains a fitness portfolio (e.g. assessment scores, goals for improvement, plan of activities for improvement, log of activities being done to reach goals, timeline for improvement) (S3.H11.L2)

Warm up/ Do Now:

Learning Activity 1: Essential Questions:

Looking back in your Sworkit account for activities from your Grade 6-8 experience (if applicable):

Learning Activity 2: Fitness Activities

Closure/Cool Down:


Additional Teacher Notes:

High School End of Unit Assessments

Assessment 1: 50% of overall Grade

The assessment is based on 30-minute workouts, 3 times per week (90 minutes) for 6 weeks (Lessons 9-26). The total engagement time is 540 minutes.  Students must add activities for physical activity outside of physical education class.

Monitoring the time spent for each student using the Sworkit Student Management System, students will be graded based on the percentage of time they spent engaging in their Sworkit Individual Fitness Plan.  

This assessment can also be adjusted as a weekly formative assessment based on 90 minutes per week.

Time Spent on Workouts

Percentage of 540 minutes


486 and above












*Below 323

59% and below


*the lowest time spent represents 10 workouts or less in a 6 week period.


Assessment 2: 50% of overall Grade

Electronic Fitness Portfolio

Journal Entries

Percent of Grade


24 and above












*Below 12

59% and below